Things to Do in Kanyakumari

kanyakumarionline February 17, 2024

Nestled at the southernmost tip of India, where the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Bay of Bengal meet, lies the enchanting town of Kanyakumari. Known for its stunning sunsets, rich cultural heritage, and spiritual significance, Kanyakumari is a must-visit destination for travelers seeking a unique and laid-back experience. The town exudes a friendly atmosphere that welcomes visitors with open arms, making it a perfect place to unwind and explore at a leisurely pace.

One of the most iconic landmarks in Kanyakumari is the Vivekananda Rock Memorial. Situated on a rocky island just off the coast, this memorial is dedicated to Swami Vivekananda, a revered spiritual leader who meditated on the rock in 1892. The memorial offers breathtaking views of the surrounding seas and is a popular pilgrimage site for devotees. Visitors can reach the rock by taking a short ferry ride from the mainland. It is advisable to check the ferry timings in advance and be prepared for an entry fee to visit this significant monument.

For nature lovers and sunset enthusiasts, Kanyakumari Beach is a must-visit destination. The beach boasts pristine sands, clear waters, and a tranquil ambiance that is perfect for relaxation. However, the highlight of a visit to Kanyakumari Beach is witnessing the spectacular sunset over the horizon. As the sun dips below the water, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, visitors are treated to a mesmerizing sight that is truly unforgettable. It is recommended to stay until sunset to fully appreciate the beauty of this natural phenomenon.

If you’re planning a trip to Kanyakumari and looking for exciting activities to do, you might also be interested in checking out the article on “The Best Music Entertainment of 2022” on Kanyakumari Online. This article highlights some of the top music events and entertainment options happening in the region this year, providing a great way to immerse yourself in the local culture and vibrant music scene while visiting Kanyakumari.


What is Kanyakumari?

Kanyakumari is a coastal town located in the southernmost tip of India, in the state of Tamil Nadu.

What are some popular tourist attractions in Kanyakumari?

Some popular tourist attractions in Kanyakumari include the Vivekananda Rock Memorial, Thiruvalluvar Statue, Kanyakumari Beach, and the Padmanabhapuram Palace.

What is the best time to visit Kanyakumari?

The best time to visit Kanyakumari is from October to March, when the weather is pleasant and ideal for sightseeing.

What is the nearest airport to Kanyakumari?

The nearest airport to Kanyakumari is the Trivandrum International Airport, which is located about 90 kilometers away.

What is the best way to reach Kanyakumari?

The best way to reach Kanyakumari is by train or bus. The town is well-connected to major cities in India by rail and road.

What are some popular local dishes in Kanyakumari?

Some popular local dishes in Kanyakumari include seafood dishes like fish curry, prawn fry, and crab roast, as well as vegetarian dishes like dosa, idli, and sambar.

What are some popular shopping destinations in Kanyakumari?

Some popular shopping destinations in Kanyakumari include the Kanyakumari Main Bazaar, the Government Handicrafts Emporium, and the Fish Market. Visitors can buy souvenirs, handicrafts, and local spices and tea.